Sunday, February 27, 2011

No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet

author: Shakespeare

pages: 205

     After the death of King Hamlet and the murderer crowned king, Prince Hamlet is contacted by the ghost of his father that tells him to kill the king.  Hamlet goes mad, very mad. He kills Polonious, his girlfriend's father, on accident. Lateris becomes angry and fences Hamlet. Hamlet, the Queen, Lateris, and the king die at the end of the story, or play. Ophilia, Hamlets girlfriend and Lateris's sister, dies earlier in the book.

Devil's Arithmatic

author: Jane Yolen

pages: 170

       Back in time Hannah went, back to the the begging of the end for 6,000,000 Jews.  Hannah, girl from the future, a time of peace and harmony in Germany.  In the book Hannah travels back in time to WWII, a time of death and pain, because she has no respect for the survivors of the that tragic time.  In the end Hannah dies and goes back to the future to see her aunt, a survivor, and has a lot more respect of the survivors, her older relatives

Monday, February 14, 2011

How I See The World And Will Act Tomorow

After I watched the movie, the way I look at  the world has changed.  I see that one man, that has power, can change everything.  Now I will show more respect to the survivors of the Holocaust.  And will think of the Holocaust differently.  When I read the poem I learned that they didn't just go for the Jews, they went for the Catholics, the communists, and the trade unionists.  I will now stand up for people who are being bullied or criticized by other people.  I hope to make the world a better place.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

random post :) : dream car

My dream car is a camaro that is yellow with black strips.  It will have a super charged engine that can go 202 M.P.H.  IT WILL BE SO COOL.