Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy

Authour: Lemony Sniket

Pages: 221

           In this book, instead of going to a family's house, the Baudelaire orphans get sent to Prufrock Preparatory School, P.P.S.  P.P.S. is a boarding school with fantastic dorms.  The only bad thing is you have to have a guardian sign a peace of paper for you to get in. Because of that the Baudelaire orphans have to stay in a shack with crabs and fungus.  Count Olaf's plan is simple, be a gym coach, make the Baudelaire orphans run laps all night so they sleep during class, have them fail on the exam, and they will be his!  But that doesn't happen, thankfully.  Something bad does happen at the end of the story. Klaus gets kicked in the stomach by who other than Count Olaf!

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